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A hands off stunner that packs a surprise twist so good you will hear their jaws hit the floor!

PROFILE is an incredibly fun and engaging personality test effect that happens to use a pack of cards.

Four questions are asked to the spectator, who deals their responses to arrive at a random card. A prediction is read and things take a hilarious and stunning twist towards the amazing surprise climax!

Key points:
  • Super easy to do - no sleights, no memory work
  • Can be performed completely hands off - you never touch the cards
  • Uses an ungimmicked, regular pack of cards
  • Quickly resets, or use the same deck to go into any other effect
  • All answers can spell in different amounts of letters
  • 3 amazing versions are taught - each with their own unique kicker endings
  • Compatible with English, Spanish, Dutch & French languages
Comes with custom designed props, access to a 30+ page PDF and over 1.5 hours of video instructions.